domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

Gatinhos V (2 semanas)

Boreas Land Vicky
Gatinha preta tabby mackerel bicolor

Boreas Land Velvet Moon
Gatinha preta bicolor

Boreas Land Vincent
Gatinho vermelho tabby mackerel bicolor

Boreas Land Valerie
Gatinha preta tabby mackerel bicolor

quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

Gatinhos U (10 semanas)

Boreas Land Uncle Sam

Boreas Land Utah

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Babies V (1 week)

Boreas Land Velvet Moon
Girl /Gatinha

nfo n 03 - preta bicolor

Boreas Land Vicky
Girl / Gatinha

nfo n 03 23 - preta tabby mc bicolor

Boreas Land Valerie
Girl / Gatinha

nfo n 03 23 or 22 - preta tabby mc ou blotched bicolor

Boreas Land Vincent
Boy / Gatinho

nfo d 03 23 - vermelho tabby mc bicolor

sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011

This is our Unicorn's Tree :-)

Remember our little Unicorn?
We will never forget this special little girl :-)
We wanted to do something special for her so,
we bought her this lovely Amond tree,
we are going to plant her in our garden so
Unicorn can rest safely behind her roots.
It will be Unicorn's Tree :-)
And we hope they can live and florish together ,
for a looong time :-)

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Jimmy has new pictures :-)

Our darling baby Jimmy is growing...

so nice...

so sweet...
...and so Big! :-)

Red Lily :-)

Boreas Land Red Lily :-)
(11 months old)

U Babies (9 weeks)

Boreas Land Uncle Sam

Boreas Land Utah

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

New born kittens :-)

Sweeson's Axelle
Cheops du Soleil de Minuit

Vicky (nfo n 03 23)

Velvet (nfo n 03)

Vincent (nfo d 03)

Valerie (nfo n 03 22?)

quinta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2011

Gatinhos U (8 semanas)

Boreas Land Utah

Boreas Land Uncle Sam

sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011

Gatinhos U (7 semanas)

Boreas Land Utah
Gatinha trataruga tabby blotched com branco

Boreas Land Uncle Sam
Gatinho preto com branco